Monday, February 10, 2020

sand dimensions

I used the photos I took of the patterns in the sand that the water had made and used tracing paper to copy the lines I saw. With this in mind, I was also thinking about the word camouflage. I experimented more with line and color as well as negative space. The images I captured of the sand are very intriguing because of their sense of depth. The way the sand was transformed will never be transformed again in the same way.


  1. is there a way to relate these / this idea to the face?
    and to the impermanence, changeableness, of identity, always in flux?
    like the play of light on a face, somehow suggesting subtle (or not so subtle, but rather dramatic) changes in the feelings within?

  2. there's a practice of painting with sand, too...
    not permanent.
    I remember children's art/craft kits, with colored sand.
    almost a kind of paint-by-numbers concept.

    and of course there are Buddhist sand mandalas — not that you should be making mandalas!

    and then, also temporary, there's also writing with water !
