Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Abandon Houses Aphorisms

(Abandon Houses Aphorisms)

Old Home
Left Behind
Now stands barley by itself, without a family inside.

Each wall
Each window
Each stain
Each nail
Each paint chip
Tells a story

Happiness has come
Sadness has come
People have come
And people have left
But the emotions stay

The structure of the mind
Is just like an abandoned house
Just waiting for something new
To come inside

Never a laugh
Nor cry
Nor “I love”
Nor “I hate”
But yet something walks along the hallway.

Some sunlight
Peaking through the window

Soon the earth will recame that spot
The old abandoned house
Will just have just been a footprint on the ground

Once a home
Now with a collapsed roof
Rain is the enemy

A home
Once held together with love
Taken care of
Now the only thing holding it together,
Is the wood that's about to break

In a abandon house
The only story that is visible
Is the graffiti on the wall

Only thing that is left standing in the hallway,
One lonely sink
One lonely dirty pink sink
A sink that hasn't felt the touch
Of human interaction

Once a door that welcomed people
And said goodbye
Once a door that if left opened
Was dangerous
Now laying in the caved in floor of the living room
Has no purpose

1 comment:

  1. need work, but very very good.
    this is poetry. not aphorisms.
    the repetitions of words, constructs (e.g., nor, nor, nor) — powerful.

    some of the "explanatory" or conclusion-y lines, can be deleted. it speaks well enough, without them.
