Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pages from sketchbook

I have been having some frustrations with the videos, so I worded in my sketch book the past couple days and will return to the video this weekend.

Here are some test pages in my sketchbook. In the first two images I am scraping the wet ink shapes with a card. In the third image I actually painted/drew with the round end of a mechanical pencil eraser. It was a fun exercise but overall I did not enjoy it as a process. The marks it made were very inconsistent and "messy". I originally tried to construct a pattern but became frustrated and turned them into flowers instead.

These are two drawings I've been working on this week. The first one is still in progress.

This is for another class but is related. This is a tiling etching design that I intend to print on fabric.

1 comment:

  1. the dots, ink-drying dots... already a lot going on there...

    the long (meditative) gestation of some of these, gets lost in their final form...
    they are (or might be, or might generate) their own music.

    semi-related —
    Max Bill Quinze variations sur un même thème (1935-1938)
