Sunday, March 1, 2020

different problems, some solved

Here's my test with the heavier paper. It's sturdy and folds well, but doesn't play nice with the printer I was using. I'll try a few other printers and see if I can find one that'll work. This paper should be usable with both inkjet and laser printers, but... well.

Ignore the big space between the DO, that's my own formatting error. 

Here's an example what the text looks like before it's printed, if anyone's curious. The wife/widow one wouldn't upload for some reason.

To do this week:
  1. Get a collection of words together for fast text
    • Also do some experiments with warm/cool greys
  2. Wander around campus looking for a printer that won't chunch my text
  3. Go to the grocery store at some point, y'all want anything?
  4. Make a final decision (!!!!!!) on what text to use for the lenticulars
    • I am indecisive! It's fine! Everything's fine!

1 comment:

  1. Take a walk. Go to the grocery store. Look around, breathe.
