I started the process of my poetry book. I rearrange the order of the poem based on what I felt right together. I also made a few more poems; the font that I used is Charter Roman, Bold, and Italic.
The title is 13pt, the paragraph is 10pt, and the foot pages is 12pt. Overall I have 16 poems totally with 21 pages combined. I need 27 more pages to create a 48-page booklet. The 27 pages that needed will be images of designs with hair text; I might use the response from my questionnaire from last semester and complete the book.

I really appreciate you putting the poems all together in a book. it seems to shift from black hair culture to just black culture in general especially black women. your poem about your idol is really honest and real. I wish you spoke them out loud in class!!!!! but what if you still stuck with your idea of black hair and took photos of your own or someone else's hair to pair with the language? maybe the photos could be obscured so you can only see the texture. super up close photos, just to put in the background behind your text or on their own pages.