Saturday, March 7, 2020


I will be focusing on three topics from here on out for thesis, all relating to the vulva, obtaining responses and such from others. These three topics are: menstrual cycles, pleasure, and hair.

Menstrual cycles - the shadow box prints and menstrual books (3-4 total) will represent this topic.

Pleasure - The embroidery hoops will represent this topic, as well as a book also containing the responses I have gathered. This book will likely be shorter than the menstrual books, as I only have about 10 responses.

Hair - For this topic, I am going to try out the 3D scanner. My plan is to actually 3D scan vulvas for 3D printing! I'm interested to see how hair will look on the scanner. I also have planned a book with responses as well, likely the same length as the pleasure book (about 10 responses). I have 2 people willing to take part in scanning so far, hoping for 3-4 total.

If anyone is interested in helping out with responses, here are the links:

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